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New KStars 0.8 Screenshots:

Orion and Jupiter Rising
The Northern Milky Way
The new color configuration tab
Planetary conjunction of 25 Apr 2000
Showing bright stars only
The same view with all options enabled

Older screenshots:

KStars 0.7:
Observing Mars in Sagittarius
Observing The Moon and Saturn in Taurus
Zoomed in on the Moon
Identifying thr Trifid Nebula
Change Location Dialog
Find Object Dialog
KStars in French
The heart of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies

KStars 0.5:
Orion and Jupiter Rising
Saturn in Taurus
Viewing an HST image of NGC 4013

For a historical comparison of KStars screenshots, see our Evolution of KStars feature.

KStars: copyright 2001 by Jason Harris
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